Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What are the kitchens’ opening hours?
A: Our normal opening hours are from Monday to Friday (9:30am – 7:00pm), Saturday and Sunday (12:00pm – 6:00pm) and closes on Public Holidays.
Q: What are the prices for kitchen rental?
A: Prices will be provided after you have visited our kitchen, please contact 9727-3317 / 2351-1973 for more details.
答︰我們會在閣下參觀廚房後講解租用套餐及收費詳情。如欲了解更多詳情,請再致電9727-3317 / 2351-1973。
Q: How many people may enter the kitchen with me?
A: We will provide 1 working station for 2 people. Should you have more staff coming in, we will charge accordingly
Q: May I create/complete my products elsewhere?
A: If your product is holding our food factory license, then products need to be completed within our kitchen.
答︰如你的產品標簽着/使用COOK BEYOND的食物製造廠牌照,就必須於我們廚房製造。
Q: Do I need to reserve a workstation/appliances/equipment every time?
A: Yes, you will need to reserve each time you need to use the kitchen.
Q: Will Cook Beyond help with our product labels?
問︰Cook Beyond會幫助我們申請產品標簽嗎?
A: Please handle it by yourself, however, we may assist if in need.
答︰產品標簽需由會員自行申請,如有需要,Cook Beyond職員可以協助。
Q: Will Cook Beyond help with our product logistics?
問︰Cook Beyond會提供運輸服務嗎?
A: Please handle it by yourself, however, we may assist if in need.
答︰會員需自行處理運輸安排,如有需要,Cook Beyond職員可以協助。
Q: Is Cook Beyond kitchen legal and approved by FEHD department?
問︰Cook Beyond的共享廚房是否食物環境衞生署認可並合法的?
A: We are an approved licensed kitchen.
答︰是的,Cook Beyond是認可並合法的。
Q: What type of license holder are you?
問︰Cook Beyond 持有什麼類型的執照?
A: Cook Beyond holds a Food Factory License endorsed by the FEHD department.
答︰Cook Beyond持有食物環境衞生署認可的食物製造廠牌照。
Q: May all types of products be done at your licensed kitchen?
問︰所有種類的產品都能夠於Cook Beyond廚房製造?
A: There are certain products that are not included in our license. Please kindly contact our staff for more information.
答︰部分種類的產品不包含在Cook Beyond廚房的食物製造廠牌照,如欲了解更多詳情可向Cook Beyond職員查詢。
Q: What are the requirements for renting the kitchen?
A: To become our member, you need to possess:
Valid business registration certificate registered in Hong Kong. Preferably “food & beverage” industry; 需持有在香港註冊的有效商業登記證。飲食業為最佳;
Valid FEHD Hygiene Course Certificate (under process or similar hygiene course certificate) ;持有效的食環署衛生課程證書(正在投考或持有類似的衛生課程證書)
Public liability and General business liability insurance policy with the Kitchen;公眾責任保險及一般責任保險(包括廚房)
Q: It is rather difficult to apply for the FEHD Hygiene Supervisor course, what can I do?
A: You may look for other associations/organizations in Hong Kong for the Hygiene course. Exam must be completed before using the kitchen.
Q: What if we urgently need to use the kitchen however there are no hygiene classes available?
A: Cook Beyond may refer you to a hygiene online course You may start using the kitchen once you have applied for the course from us (all other requirements is available).
答︰Cook Beyond 可以向您轉介網上合資格衛生課程。一旦你向我們申請了課程,你就可以開始使用廚房了(所有其他要求都可以)
Q: Can I do Cooking Classes at your premises?
A: Yes, please contact 9727-3317 / 2351-1973 for more details.
答︰可以,如欲了解更多詳情,請致電9727-3317 / 2351-1973。
Q: Any after-services available?
問︰Cook Beyond 會提供那些售後服務?
A:Starting from the year 2022, we will have the following additional services:
Provide knowledge base information;
Host online/offline sale for suitable members
答︰從 2022 年開始,我們將提供以下附加服務: